Growers, Send in your Samples! (PCN Fall 2013) OCT 21 2013 | Consumers and Producers | Pulse Crop News
This article appeared in the Fall 2013 issue of Pulse Crop News.
The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) has launched its Harvest Sample Program for 2013. The program is voluntary but can be a value to growers interested in learning more about their grain grade and quality. By signing up growers can find out about:
- Protein content on cereal grains and pulses
- Oil, protein, and chlorophyll content for canola
- Oil and protein content and iodine value for flaxseed
- Oil and protein for mustard seed and soybeans
While the grade given is not considered ‘official’ because of sample size, dockage and the sample was not collected by an inspector, the information can still be valuable for growers.
Information collected in the program also supports the following:
Marketing Canadian Grain
Samples are combined with other samples and further analysis is conducted. Crop quality data is refined and provided to marketers who can promote the sale of Canadian grain. It is a confirmation of Canada’s ability to deliver consistent, high-quality grain yearly.
Evaluation of Grain Grades
Samples provide the CGC with material to evaluate effectiveness of grain grading factors and helps determine if changes are needed. Changes can mean revising grading to reflect processing factors or protect the quality reputation of Canadian grain. Samples also provide information to determine the standard samples used to grade grain for that year.
Researching Grain Issues that Affect Pulses
Your samples contribute to scientific grain research. The Grain Research Laboratory uses the samples to better understand issues with the grains. An example is the work towards understanding copper-coloured and bleached seeds in red-lentil and how these factors affect processing. In addition, the samples also provide a better understanding of how immature seeds affect processing and quality with immature yellow peas. Information gathered helps ensure Canada’s grading standards continue to meet your needs and needs of the grain industry.
For more information on the program visit: or call the Canadian Grain Commission at 1-800-853-6705 or 204-983-2978. Samples are accepted up to November but producers are encouraged to send in samples as soon as harvest is complete.