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On every farm, on every plate.

We are Alberta Pulse Growers.

Alberta Pulse Growers represents 5,400 growers of field pea, dry bean, lentil, chickpea, faba bean and soybean in Alberta. We lead through innovation and collaboration to add value for Alberta’s pulse farmers.

Please Note: APG does not sell or ship product. To find Pulse Dealers, refer to our dealer list here or the canadian pulse and special crop trade association list here.

Download APG’s Agronomy & RVT App

Alberta pulse producers can download a smartphone app that allows them to search data from Regional Variety Trials (RVT) relevant to their zone as well as receive up-to-the-minute news & agronomy information from the Alberta Pulse Growers Commission (APG). The app is available for free download on iTunes and Google Play. The RVT information can also be accessed via

What’s A Pulse?

Pulses (including field peas, dry beans, lentils and chickpeas) are the edible seeds of legumes. Pulses are grown for food and feed in countries around the world, and they are unique among grain crops in their ability to partner with certain soil bacteria to take nitrogen, an essential plant nutrient, from the air and turn it into a form that can be used by plants.

Are you new to growing pulses?

Looking for new crops to add into your rotation? Alberta Pulse Growers is here to come alongside you to ensure your pulse experience is a success.

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Pulses in the Kitchen

Mango Chickpea Salad

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No-Bake Lentil Snack Bars

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Jambalaya with Pinto Beans

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