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Marketing Restrictions Remain for Some Pulse Crop Harvest Management Tools (PCN Fall 2013) OCT 21 2013 | Consumers and Producers | Pulse Crop News

This article appeared in the Fall 2013 issue of Pulse Crop News.

Canadian pulse growers will face fewer risks this season when using desiccants and other harvest management products thanks to work done by the Canadian pulse industry over the past two years.

But though this work has made international pulse marketing safer and easier for growers, pulse producers should still be aware of international regulations to ensure the residue of the products used remains below the maximum residue limits (MRLs) set by regulatory agencies, according to the organizations that represent pulse producers across the prairie provinces.

“Understanding the international limits for harvest management tools is critical if growers hope to ensure better marketability of their pulses when it comes time to sell their crops,” says Leanne Fischbuch, Executive Director for Alberta Pulse Growers.

Carl Potts, Executive Director of Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, agrees. “We’ve made great progress in resolving some of the market access issues we’ve had in the past as a result of MRLs, but some gaps remain, and being aware of those gaps now will help growers keep their marketing options open later.”

Producers can minimize the risk that their crops will not be accepted in international markets by following some simple but important steps. In addition to applying the products according to the label, producers should consult with their processors about any maximum residue limits in the countries to which their crops may be exported.

The grower groups have also prepared a chart (which can be found at that shows market considerations when using common desiccants and harvest management tools on pulse crops for the 2013 season, according to Manitoba Pulse Growers Association Executive Director Roxanne Lewko. “While producers should still consult with their processors and follow all product labels, this chart can help producers choose the right desiccant or harvest management tool for acceptance with Canada’s primary trading partners.”

Desiccants, or harvest management tools, are applied late in the crop year to dry the crop and create uniformity of plant material at harvest. Because of the late-season application of these products, some residue may remain on the crop, and as a result, most countries have maximum acceptable levels of residue in place. Over the past several years, the Canadian pulse industry has worked to harmonize these limits internationally to ensure Canadian growers remain competitive in the global marketplace.

“In an industry where over three-quarters of our crops are produced for export markets, developing clear and reasonable maximum residue limits in foreign markets is one of the Canadian pulse industry’s top priorities,” says Erin Morgan, Ontario Bean Growers’ Executive Director. “Together, we’ll continue working to reduce market access issues to make sure we have sustainable, profitable trade partners both domestically and internationally for our growers.”