Crop Commissions to host FarmSafe workshops throughout Alberta this March FEB 12 2016 | Producers | News Release
(Calgary, Alberta) Four of the crop commissions, Alberta Wheat Commission, Alberta Barley, Alberta Canola Producers Commission and Alberta Pulse Growers Commission, are fostering hands-on farm safety education opportunities by hosting a series of FarmSafe workshops throughout Alberta this March.
These free, one-day FarmSafe workshops will provide training and educational manuals to help farmers develop a complete health and safety management system tailored to their unique operations. FarmSafe workshops will take place on March 7 in Red Deer, March 9 in Grande Prairie and March 10 in Lethbridge.
“Our commissions are steadfast in our belief that education is more effective than legislation in preventing serious injuries and farm fatalities,” said Jason Lenz, Alberta Barley vice-chairman. “These FarmSafe workshops are a proactive way to apply this approach, and ensure farmers have access to materials that guide safe and healthy farming operations.”
The workshops allow participants to choose their focus within the elements of the FarmSafe plan that make most sense for their operation. They can also choose to complete the FarmSafe modules at their own pace, beyond the one-day workshop.
“The advantage of the FarmSafe course we are coordinating is that producers can design the experience that they want. A producer can show up to the workshop and decide they want to implement all, or whichever parts of the FarmSafe plan apply to their operation, in whatever way is most appropriate,” Lenz added.
Participation is free of charge and those attending the workshops will be given access to additional free online resources and advice beyond the workshop dates. Producers can find more information and register for the workshops by visiting any of the commissions’ websites at,, and (in the calendar section). The FarmSafe plan was created by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry and the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association.
Media Contact
Victoria Russell
Communications Specialist
Alberta Wheat Commission
T 403.219.7906