Feed Pea Benchmark Report Nov. 11/18 NOV 13 2018 | Producers
Values for all feed ingredients across western Canada remained stable over the past two weeks as harvesting activities near completion. US harvest progress for corn and soybeans regained some ground and now sits at the historical 5 year average for this time of year. Cash prices for corn, wheat, and soybean meal in the Midwest US similarly remained stable while the Canadian dollar weakened slightly. Some analysts are suggesting that the lows are set for the grain market for the next 12 months but at the same time are awaiting the results of the next USDA crop estimates to be released shortly. Protein market values meanwhile remain volatile with each new piece of news regarding future trade talks between China and the US. Feed pea prices remained unchanged, trading for $260/T in Manitoba, $255/T in Saskatchewan, and $250/T in Alberta.
- AB: $266
- SK: $268
- MB: $280