APG Seeks Advisors in All Zones to Grow Pulse Industry OCT 21 2021 | Producers | News Release
Pulse producers who want to grow the province’s pulse industry while developing their own leadership skills are invited to let their names stand for election as an Alberta Pulse Growers (APG) Advisor in their zone this fall.
“I strongly encourage any interested pulse farmers to join the APG team,” APG Chair Robert Semeniuk said. “I started out as an Advisor like most APG Directors. Becoming an Advisor is a great way to get involved with APG. Each of our five zones has available positions and it’s a good introduction to the organization, working on committees, and making things happen for Alberta pulse farmers.”
A team of Advisors leads extension activities specific to each of APG’s five zones. Directors on APG’s provincial board often serve as Advisors first.
Available positions are presented below, along with this fall’s meeting dates.
Zone Number | Available Advisor Positions | Meeting Date | Location |
Zone 1 | 3 | December 6 | Taber |
Zone 2 | 4 | November 16 | Drumheller |
Zone 3 | 3 | November 25 | Alberta Beach |
Zone 4 | 4 | November 23 | Fairview |
Zone 5 | 1 | November 30 | Vermilion |
Producers must have sold pulses and paid service charges since August 1, 2019 in order to be eligible as an Advisor. Anyone interested in letting their name stand for an Advisor position is asked to complete and submit a nomination form by Nov. 1, 2021. Each candidate must be endorsed by another pulse producer from their zone. The form is available here or on the homepage at www.albertapulse.com .
The Alberta Pulse Growers Commission represents 6,500 growers of field pea, dry bean, lentil, chickpea, faba bean and soybean in Alberta. Our vision is to have Alberta pulses on every farm, on every plate.
For more information, please contact:
Rachel Peterson, Communications Coordinator
Phone: 780-986-9398 ext. 108