Plot to Field Program Overview
Plot to Field is a field scale, province-wide research program that is fully funded and directed by Alberta Pulse Growers Commission. All research in this network is based on three important principles:
- Teamwork – conducted on-farm with farmers, tag teaming with agronomists, scientists, and Alberta Pulse Growers Commission’s staff
- Science based and repeatable – produces data that is unbiased, accurate and robust, conducted with utmost scientific relevance so that the experiment is replicable on your own farm using our protocol
- Proactive – delivers results to guide management decisions and improve productivity and profitability of pulses across the province
A new Plot to Field video series was recently launched on the the APG app. Check out the introduction below and download the app here to be the first to see new episodes.
The main goal of this program is:
- to conduct field scale research that is applicable and relevant to producers
- to build scientifically sound research protocols that test small plot research results on a farm-by-farm basis allowing for scientific “proofing” of small plot results
- to provide ‘in situ’ extension of research results
- to enhance the ability of pulse producers and agronomists to apply scientific learnings
The overall intent of the Alberta Pulse Growers – Plot2Field (P2F) initiative is to transfer small plot research to a field scale basis and assess the quality of data obtained.