Every year, Alberta Pulse Growers invests in research to ensure pulse producers and the pulse industry in Alberta stay profitable, sustainable, and competitive. We do that by supporting projects that help growers in three important areas: Grow Genetics, Grow Yield, and Grow Sustainability.
Grow Genetics
Alberta Pulse Growers supports a variety of projects that help grow genetics for all pulse crops. In the 2015-2016 fiscal year, 22% of research investments were targeted towards genetic improvement.
As an industry we have set ourselves a goal of increasing pulse production by 20% by 2027. Foundational to achieving this target is a strong, relevant genetic base for pulse varieties. APG currently is engaged with breeding programs at CDC Saskatoon, AAFC Lacombe, AAFC Lethbridge, Lima Grains, and DL Seeds in varietal development, screening as well as providing growers with information about the newest varieties and how they perform in their growing region by supporting the Regional Variety Trials.
Grow Yield
Alberta Pulse Growers supports a variety of projects that help grow yield. Forty percent of research investments current to 2016 are aimed towards agronomic advancements in pea, bean, lentil and faba bean crops grown across the province.
From disease and weed management to insect control to seeding rate and fertility management, researchers across western Canada are actively working to address the issues that face Alberta pulse growers. With the shared goal of maximizing yield and crop quality, staying on top of best management practices to ensure that there is a pulse crop available in every growing region has been identified as a top priority of our organization.
Grow Sustainability
Alberta Pulse Growers supports a variety of projects that help grow sustainability.
Remaining a relevant and profitable cropping option for producers is critical to the pulse industry’s long-term success. Pulse crops have an amazing story to tell regarding water use efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency and carbon footprints. All these characteristics have caused the food processing industry to take notice.
Research to ensure that we are able to capture these attributes of pulse crops, focusing on rotational benefits, fertility and water management secure our place as a key component of the Alberta crop industry.
National Pulse Research Strategy
In 2021, pulse sector representatives from across Canada (Alberta Pulse Growers, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers, Ontario Bean Growers and Pulse Canada) gathered to develop a national research strategy to coordinate and guide pulse research investments. Research and innovation will be key for Canada to remain competitive as a world leader in pulse production and take advantage of new markets and opportunities.
The process to develop this strategy took place over several months and included interviews and a virtual strategy workshop in September 2021. Articulating a national vision for pulse research is an important step in the coordination of research funding and programming to maximize efficiency, increase capacity and improve the ability to adopt new innovative technologies.
Research Priorities
- Pulses are a profitable component of diverse crop rotations that enhance farm sustainability.
- Growers produce a safe and reliable supply of Canadian pulses to meet growing demand.
- Pulse crops achieve desirable end use quality for domestic and global customers.
Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster
APG helped fund some of the pulse research projects in the Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster (ICAC). This 2023 Summary Report summary report showcases the projects and people that contributed to the success of the ICAC cluster led by the Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF).