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APG launches new brand and website at Annual General Meeting FEB 13 2013 | Consumers and Producers | Event and News Release

A fresh new brand and website set the tone at Alberta Pulse Growers’ recent Annual General Meeting, where almost 100 pulse growers and industry representatives got a first look at the Commission’s new logo, brand identity, and website. This year’s AGM was held as part of FarmTech on January 30, 2013, in Edmonton.

Attendees also heard from Grain Growers of Canada Executive Director Richard Phillips, who showcased the work the GGC is doing both nationally and internationally to strengthen the Canadian pulse industry.

“Alberta Pulse Growers has long seen the benefits of partnering with a well-respected organization like Grain Growers of Canada,” said Zone 5 Commissioner Harold Haugen, who acts on the GGC Board. “We were pleased to have Richard join us at our AGM to show the good work he and his team are doing in areas of research, transportation, and market development on behalf of Canadian producers.”

In addition to hearing from Richard Phillips, members also participated in Commission business, by electing Commissioners-at-large, voting on resolutions, and hearing presentations from President Gerry Good and Executive Director Leanne Fischbuch. Only one resolution – related to improved hail insurance adjustment methods for pulse crops – was brought before members, who passed it unanimously.

Long-time Commissioners Gerry Good and Barry Grabo, both from Zone 2, bid farewell to the Commission after completing their final terms, making way for two new Zone 2 Commissioners: Allison Ammeter of Sylvan Lake and Douglas Sell of Strathmore. Two new Commissioners-at-large were also acclaimed at the meeting. D’Arcy Hilgartner of Camrose was elected for a one-year term as non-bean Commissioner-at-large, while Casey Koomen was elected as bean Commissioner-at-large.

The Board’s organizational structure for the year was also determined following the Annual General Meeting. Richard Krikke of Neerlandia was elected to the position of President, while Allison Ammeter of Sylvan Lake was elected to the position of Vice President and Jack Van Tryp of Burdett was elected as the third member of the executive.

The following members comprise the 2013 Alberta Pulse Growers Commission representatives:

Zone 1

Casey Koomen (At-Large) — Taber
Robert Weisgerber — Schuler
Jack Van Tryp — Burdett

Zone 2

Douglas Sell — Strathmore
Allison Ammeter — Sylvan Lake

Zone 3

Ryan Kubinec — Westlock
Richard Krikke — Neerlandia

Zone 4

Neil Boyd — Fairview
Nick Sekulic — Rycroft

Zone 5

Harold Haugen — Lougheed
Gordon Tuck — Vegreville
D’Arcy Hilgartner (At-Large) — Camrose