Pulse Diagnostic Chart JUN 26 2013 | Producers | Blog Post
Though not comprehensive, the Pulse Diagnostic Chart may help when you’re in the field scouting for issues in your pulse crops.
Poor or no emergence or large gaps in the seed row.
- Poor germination or low vigor (seed is found and may or may not be rotted)
- Seed decay or seed rot (seed may not be found)
- No seed found – seed decay or poor seeding patterns (seeding too fast)
- Plumule (shoot) has been cut below soil surface – cut worm damage
- Plumule (shoot) below ground is brown near seed – common root rot
- Plumule (shoot) cut or damaged at soil surface – wind damage
Uniform emergence but patches are twisted, stunted or dying.
- Orange centre in lower stem and plumule – fusarium wilt
- Possible residual herbicide damage
- Excess water causing root rot
- High soil salinity levels
Uniform emergence but patches are dying although secondary buds forming.
- Frost damage
- Soil residual herbicide damage
Poor root system but no browning.
- Phosphate deficiency
- Extremely wet soil conditions
Nodulation not present at 5 to 6 node stage.
- Inoculant problem or inoculation problem
- Very acid soils
- High soil nitrogen
Nodulation present but green pulpy nodules.
- High soil nitrogen
- Extremely dry soil conditions
Plants are turning yellow.
- Excess water causing root rot
- No nitrogen fixation
- Herbicide residue in the soil
- Herbicide application damage (low water volume)
- Herbicide drift if in pattern near edge of field
- Extreme drought and nitrogen fixation stops
Extremely tall growth, long internodes.
- Excess soil or fertilizer nitrogen combined with good moisture
Compressed plant growth, extremely short internodes.
- Drought
- Herbicide injury from soil carryover
- Herbicide injury due to low water volumes
- Herbicide injury due to late application (6+ nodes)
Main plant (5 to 7 node stage) is stalled in growth – new tillers forming.
- High soil salinity
- Classic case of herbicide damage due to low water volumes, cocktail mixes or sprayer tank residues
- Herbicide injury from soil carry over
Twisting of main stem or tendrils.
- Herbicide drift
- Herbicide injury from tank contamination
Flowers are falling off or pods not forming on upper flower nodes.
- Flower blast due to heat/low moisture stress
- General drought damage
- Downy mildew symptom
Leaves are yellow but veins are green.
- Possible fertility imbalance of magnesium or manganese deficiency (not common)
Lower stems near soil surface are purple/black.
- Early symptoms of ascochyta complex
Stem portion white with remaining plant green.
- Classic sclerotinia stem rot
Premature lodging or excessive lodging for the variety.
- High soil residual nitrogen
- Mycosphaerella/ascochyta disease complex
- Excessive moisture
Various pods have white blotches.
- Grasshopper damage
- Downy mildew infection
- Hail damage
Various pods have discoloured or rotting ends.
- Botrytis or grey mold damage
Pods are prematurely splitting open – seed also splitting.
- Environmental, high moisture levels after a prolonged drought
A leaf or leaves on only parts of plant are yellowing.
- Possible virus infection
Brown lesions with dark margins on leaves, pods and stems.
- Classic symptom of ascochyta infection
White powdery coating on pods and plants.
- Classic symptom of powdery mildew infection