Executive Director’s Message (PCN Winter 2014) JAN 23 2014 | Consumers and Producers | Pulse Crop News
This article appeared in the Winter 2014 issue of Pulse Crop News.
Leanne Fischbuch, Executive Director
The winter edition of Pulse Crop News is a time for reflection. We are in a season where plans are being made. Meetings and the sharing of new information is also taking place. We also reflect on the changing calendar as well as welcome a new year.
2014 is an important year to the Alberta Pulse Growers (APG) for many reasons:
Regulatory Review
Every 5 years Commissions must undertake a review of their regulatory legislation under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act – 2013- 14 is APG’s year. Information on the recommendations from the regulatory review is included in this issue. I encourage you to read the summary and provide feedback on the proposed changes. Your comments are welcome.
Strength in Partnerships
Continued strategic collaborative work with our partners in the pulse industry on key opportunities like public/private partnerships and working with provincial grower groups in Alberta to help create opportunities for our growers. Working together as partners to build our industry just makes good business sense.
Happy 25th Anniversary APG
Created as a Commission in 1989, the organization grew from two innovative groups of pulse pioneers who amalgamated and became the Alberta Pulse Growers. Over the past twenty-five years, the organization has achieved many things and undergone numerous changes. We will endeavor to share with you some reflections on the industry from year’s past over the course of this year while also looking to the future.
This edition of PCN includes information on our Regional Variety Trials that were held over the past year. Alberta Pulse Growers is pleased to support these trials as they provide solid, unbiased information for our growers and identifies varieties that perform well against identified check species. In addition, APG led the development of soybean protocol for this past year’s trials. Soybeans were grown across Alberta; the information is included in the trials. Please remember that soybeans are an emerging crop in Alberta and there continues to be improvements to varieties.
We have circulated our Annual Report 2012-2013. It provides an overview of our year – which was a good year with a lot of accomplishments; one where the pulse industry saw good yields and strong prices, these both directly impacted our organization in a positive way. Please check out the report and if you have any comments please share them with us.
Finally, please save the date and join us on January 29, 2014 during Farm Tech for the APG Annual General Meeting. You do not have to be registered at Farm Tech to attend any commission AGM, so please join us to hear about our year and learn what is happening nationally for the pulse industry. Our keynote presenter will be Mr. Gordon Bacon, CEO of Pulse Canada. At our AGM will be holding elections for two Commissioners-At-Large positions (bean and non-bean). If you are interested in either of these, please contact us and we can provide nominations forms for you to complete.
I hope you have a joyous holiday season, Alberta Pulse Growers’ staff look forward to great accomplishments working with you in 2014.
Please drop me a line anytime with your thoughts and comments about APG. I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at lfischbuch@pulse.ab.ca.