Important Pre-Harvest Timing Chart Update JUL 21 2014 | Producers | Blog Post
Update on Saflufenacil as a Harvest Management Tool for EU Market
There has been an update regarding use of saflufenacil as a harvest management tool (e.g. HEAT) since the Pre-Harvest Timing chart was published in the Summer edition of Pulse Crop News. EU saflufenacil Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for peas and dry beans have now been published and will be in force prior to harvest.
For the European Union (EU) market: “No marketing issues associated with saflufenacil residues for peas and beans, as MRLs that will allow for pre-harvest use for peas and beans were published in early July 2014 and will be in force prior to this year’s harvest (lentils will not have an MRL in place for the 2014 crop, and the product is not registered on chickpeas). Follow label directions to minimize residues and maintain levels below the MRL.”
Check with your dealer or exporter on MRLs and continue to check the Alberta Pulse Growers website for up-to-date information this fall.