Take the Pulse Pledge for International Year of Pulses & Your Health (PCN Spring 2016) MAR 29 2016 | Consumers and Producers | Pulse Crop News
This article appeared in the Spring 2016 issue of Pulse Crop News.
Join the Alberta Pulse Growers (APG) and people around the world by taking the Pulse Pledge to start eating more pulses during International Year of Pulses 2016 (IYP).
Many Albertans, including Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Minister Oneil Carlier, took the Pulse Pledge at APG’s booth during the FarmTech Conference. Anyone can take the pledge from anywhere at www.pulsepledge.com.
As this issue of Pulse Crop News went to press, more than 22,000 North Americans had made the commitment to eating pulses once a week for 10 weeks and join a global food movement. Signing up through the Pulse Pledge website offers opportunities for recipes, inspiration and the chance to win great prizes along the way.
Allison Ammeter, Chair of APG and the IYP Canada Committee, took the pledge along with many other guests in January at Canada’s Pulse Feast hosted by Chef Michael Smith of Food Network Canada.
“Pulses are so great for health and the environment that encouraging more people around the world to take the Pulse Pledge is something we can all feel good about,” said Ammeter, who already enjoyed eating and cooking with the pulses grown on her family’s farm. “If you are new to pulses, pledge to incorporate them into your diet once a week for 10 weeks to start. If you are already eating pulses, pledge to eat pulses three times a week. How about including half a cup of pulses into your diet every day? It quickly adds up to improved nutrition!”
As people eat more pulses, Alberta farmers will sell more pulses, Ammeter explained. This will contribute to APG’s mission and new five-year strategic plan to increase pulse consumption by 100 grams per capita per week. Another focused action for APG is to influence the development of pulse products to increase pulse consumption in domestic and key international markets, as well as to develop a vibrant value-added processing industry in Alberta.
This will, in turn, contribute to the realization of another target of the APG strategic plan, which is to increase the arable land planted to pulse crops in Alberta from eight per cent to 15 per cent over five years. This past growing season, Alberta farmers grew pulses on 1.8 million acres.
“IYP is an opportunity to capture the attention of consumers and the food industry, to demonstrate how incorporating more pulses into their diets and food products can improve nutrition and also support the environment,” Ammeter said. “It will leverage the international focus on pulses to build more demand for the pulses that Canadian growers are producing.”
The IYP Canada Committee consists of representatives from APG and its counterparts in other provinces, Pulse Canada, and industry representatives. Ultimately, the goal of IYP Canada is to contribute to the sustainable and profitable growth of the Canadian pulse industry. To learn more about the wide range of activities that support that goal and to learn how you can join the effort, visit www.iypcanada.ca.