Making the Grade returns for a second year JUN 16 2016 | Producers | Event and News Release
Alberta Pulse Growers (APG) is pleased to be involved in Making the Grade this year, said APG Director-at-Large John Kowalchuk, who is also APG’s Extension Committee Chair.
“With the increased acres of pulses being grown this year,” he said, “we want to make sure that our growers understand the quality characteristics, how their pulse crops are graded, and how to preserve quality in the harvesting, storage and handling process to maximize their returns.”
(Calgary, Alberta) Alberta Barley, Alberta Canola Producers Commission (ACPC), Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) and Alberta Pulse Growers (APG) once again invite producers to a grading workshop following last year’s successful event.
This year’s Making the Grade workshop will take place July 26 at Lakeland College in Vermilion and will include sessions from experienced industry speakers on barley, wheat, canola and, new for this year is the addition of pulse grading.
“Last year’s Making the Grade proved to be a valuable tool in addressing knowledge gaps in grain grading,” said Terry Young, AWC and ACPC director and member of the Western Grain Standards Committee’s wheat subcommittee. “Understanding grain grading and factors affecting quality is important for all crop producers as it affects their bottom line.”
Producers will participate in hands-on grading workshops for barley, canola, wheat and pulses. Speakers representing organizations such as the Canadian Grains Commission (CGC) and the Canadian International Grains Institute (Cigi) will guide participants through the details of grading parameters and practices.
Space is limited and early registration is encouraged. Early bird registration is $75 until July 14, and $100 from July 15 until tickets are sold out. Complete registration information and details are available on each host commission’s website or at
Media Contact
Ellen Cottee
Communications Coordinator
Alberta Barley
T 403.219.7914