Feed Pea Benchmark (Jan 29/17) JAN 29 2017 | Producers
Grain prices remained stable in the three Prairie provinces over the past two weeks, although the Manitoba market is beginning to see lower feed barley values, with prices dropping by as much as $15/T for Winnipeg. Corn and soybean meal markets are experiencing some upward pressure due to increased involvement by institutional funds in these markets, and positioning for planting intentions for the 2017 US crop. Soybean meal closed up $15-30/T across the Prairies while corn prices rose by $10/T everywhere except in Manitoba. Canola meal followed suit with soybean meal, with values $20-25/T higher than two weeks ago. Corn DDGS continue to suffer from an oversupply and remained largely unchanged but still priced at a discount to corn. The main pulses being fed in all three Prairie provinces are faba beans, with values in Alberta and Saskatchewan at $240/T and eastern Manitoba at $265/T.
- AB: $320
- SK: $307
- MB: $281