Feed Pea Benchmark (July 17/17) JUL 17 2017 | Producers
Prices on all major feed ingredients with the exception of corn and canola meal rose sharply across the Prairies over the past two weeks. Escalating wheat prices, which increased by $30-40/T, also pulled barley prices higher. Barley prices rose by $15-20/T. Corn prices meanwhile remained flat with decreases in Manitoba of up to $6/T, due mainly to the strengthening Canadian dollar. Corn DDGS pricing increased by up to $15/T depending on the region. Soybean meal prices increased by $30/T based on stronger US markets while canola meal remained unchanged but still disproportionately high relative to soymeal. Faba beans and feed peas continued to trade in the $250-255 range in Manitoba and in the $245-$250 range in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
- AB: $329
- SK: $296
- MB: $265