Grower Advisory on Glyphosate Use JUL 31 2018 | Producers | Blog Post
Glyphosate should only be applied on lentils and peas when the seed is at less than 30% moisture content in all areas of the field that will receive herbicide applications. In lentils this means the lowermost pods are brown and the seeds rattle, in peas the majority (75-80%) of pods are brown.
The use of glyphosate is under more global public scrutiny than ever before, especially for lentils. It is important that growers continue to follow approved label rates and application timing to ensure Canadian product complies with Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) set by importing countries. More than 85% of Canadian pulse production is exported around the world. The success of our industry depends on continued access to key export markets for lentils and all other pulse crops
Glyphosate is registered for pre-harvest weed control. It is not a desiccant, nor is it a tool to speed up crop maturity or dry down.
For more information on MRLs for lentils and other crops, visit