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Chair’s Report (PCN Summer 2016) JUN 24 2016 | Consumers and Producers | Pulse Crop News

This article appeared in the Summer 2016 issue of Pulse Crop News.

Allison Ammeter, APG Chair

As this issue is going to press, it is apparent that Alberta farmers have planted more pulse acres than ever before.

Just 30 years ago, market watchers worried that if Alberta grew more than 100,000 acres of peas, we’d flood the market (which at the time was primarily a local feed market). There was a question of whether peas at $3.75 could compete with $6.00 canola. Five years ago we were growing one million acres of pulses. This year, we are on track to grow 2.3 million acres!

There does not appear to be a global ceiling in place, partly because almost every country in the world consumes pulses. I’d also like to attribute some of this success to the fact the International Year of Pulses 2016 (IYP2016) has raised the profile of the nutritional, environmental, and health benefits of pulses so that consumers are eating more, and growers are confident growing more!

Having said that, we at Alberta Pulse Growers would like to ensure that your pulse growing experience is a positive one. I’d like to point you to a few valuable resources to help you out.

You’re holding it. This Pulse Crop News is chock full of great information. Read it and ask questions of our staff if you need any extra details.

PULSEPOD.CA – Alberta’s online database, full of solid agronomic advice on every question you can think to ask about successfully growing peas, beans, lentils faba beans and chickpeas.

APG’s terrific staff – specifically our Policy & Programs Specialist Nevin Rosaasen. He’s as close as an email or a phone call 1-877-550-9398 ext 5.

Twitter – There is a large farming community on Twitter, and all of them are willing to share their knowledge and expertise. Sign up, follow @APGextension, or me at @aammeter, and expand your network of pulse farmers.

Want to know more about pulse research? Markets? Food value? Recipes? IYP2016? – Check out or or or

Beyond all that, boots on the ground are always the best. There is an old, well-known saying that the best thing you can put on your crops is your shadow. Walk your fields, and attend the crop walks and field days nearest you. Consult the APG online calendar or the list of Summer Events to date on page 29 in this edition. I wish you the best of experiences growing pulses in 2016!