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Alberta pulses star in new Taste of the Prairies soup available for sale to benefit charity FEB 21 2019 | Consumers and Producers | News Release

The Alberta Pulse Growers (APG) collaborated with Chef Jamie Harling and the Alberta Culinary Tourism Alliance (ACTA) to produce an Alberta-based soup to take to market, with this soup available for sale starting tomorrow.

“This was such a unique partnership between the pulse sector and a talented local chef, who created a recipe we believe Albertans are going to love,” said Debra McLennan, APG’s Food and Nutrition Coordinator and a Registered Dietitian. “We are looking forward to seeing the reaction from consumers as they taste this delicious creation that is available for a limited time.”

Harling utilized one of Alberta’s locally grown pulses to create a unique recipe for this project, which was the result of a chef competition to create a pulse-based dish. Harling’s Moroccan Spiced Red Lentil Soup is made with hearty Alberta red lentils, tomato, red pepper, and rich with the flavours of North Africa.

The soup will be sold exclusively at the four Italian Centre Shop Cafes in Edmonton and Calgary starting tomorrow. The Italian Centre Shop Cafes are donating the proceeds from all soup sales to Edmonton’s Food for Thought lunch program and Calgary’s Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids charities.

The Alberta Pulse Growers Commission represents more than 6,000 growers of field pea, dry bean, lentil, chickpea, faba bean and soybean in Alberta. Our vision is to have Alberta pulses recognized by consumers as environmentally friendly, healthy, nutritious, and recognized by all producers as being an essential element in a sustainable cropping system.


For more information, please contact:
Rachel Peterson, Communications Coordinator
Phone: 780-986-9398 ext. 108