APG Seeks Advisors in All Zones to Advance Alberta’s Pulse Industry & Develop Leadership OCT 15 2018 | Producers | News Release
The Alberta Pulse Growers Commission (APG) invites pulse producers who want to grow the province’s pulse industry while developing their own leadership skills to run for election as an advisor in their zone.
“Advisors are essential to the success and continued growth of the commission and Alberta’s pulse industry,” said APG Chair D’Arcy Hilgartner. “I began as an advisor and learned so much about APG and the pulse industry that when the opportunity came to be elected as a director, I was confident that I had the experience to step into that role.”
Participating with the organization as an advisor is an opportunity for a producer to develop their leadership skills. Advisors help guide research and extension activities specific to their zone. Directors on APG’s provincial board often serve as advisors first.
Positions are available for election in all zones this fall. Producers must have sold pulses within the last two years to be eligible to serve as an advisor. Pulse growers who are interested in becoming an advisor in their zone must be nominated by an eligible pulse grower at their zone annual general meeting listed below.
Zone 1 – Dec. 3, Heritage Inn, Taber
Zone 2 – Nov. 14, Strathmore Civic Centre
Zone 3 – Nov. 21, Westlock & District Community Hall
Zone 4 – Nov. 19, Rycroft Ag Centre
Zone 5– Nov. 22, Willingdon Recreation Centre
Pulse producers who have questions about advisor elections are encouraged to contact the APG office (office@albertapulse.com).
The Alberta Pulse Growers Commission represents 6,000 growers of field pea, dry bean, lentil, chickpea, faba bean and soybean in Alberta. Our vision is to have Alberta pulses recognized by consumers as environmentally friendly, healthy, nutritious, and recognized by all producers as being an essential element in a sustainable cropping system.
For more information, please contact:
Rachel Peterson, Communications Coordinator
Phone: 780-986-9398 ext. 108