Field Peas – Varieties
Variety Testing Procedures
Registered field pea varieties are entered by seed companies, breeding institutions and seed growers holding varietal rights, into the Alberta Regional Variety Test Program. These trials are run annually across the province to collect yield and agronomic data. This data is then made publicly available through the Alberta Pulse Growers and the Alberta Seed Guide.

Choosing a Pea Variety
There are many varieties of peas, each with its own characteristics and target markets. Yellow and green cotyledon peas are the most widely grown in Alberta and are suitable for human consumption and livestock feed markets. Specialty varieties for use as forage or silage may be leafed or semi-leafless. Marrowfat types are blocky, very large-seeded, green cotyledon peas used in specialty snack food markets in Asia. Purple flowered varieties with coloured seed coats (maple and dun pea) are also produced in Alberta.
The following checklist of variety factors should be considered in variety selection:
Variety Checklist |
Maturity |
Seed Size |
Disease resistance |
- Alberta Regional Variety Test Program (links to on-line tool)
- Alberta Seed Guide – Seed for Sale
- Government of Alberta Seeding Rate Calculator
Special thanks to Saskatchewan Pulse Growers.