Faba Bean – Viral Diseases
Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV)
- Caused by Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV) which is a common mosaic disease of faba bean caused by potyvirus group.
- Two variants of the virus have been identified: mild (leaf mosaic with no necrosis) and severe (leaf mosaic with necrosis).
- Virus is spread from overwintering hosts such as clovers and vetch to faba bean by aphids
- While infections seldom cause plant death, the impact of yield will depend upon the time of infection, with earlier infections having greater impact.
- Symptoms start to show 7 – 10 days after the plant has been infected.
- The youngest leaves have milder green mosaic mottling and veins appear to be branded or yellow; rolling and narrowing of leaves occurs and plants suffer from stunting.
- Use certified seed.
- Fungicides are ineffective in managing viral diseases.
- This virus is not currently producing economic losses in Alberta.
Special thanks to Saskatchewan Pulse Growers and Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers.